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Rack and Pinion Assembly - 1G-1019


Rack and Pinion Assembly

Product Description

Expertly remanufactured to rigorous quality and performance standards, CARDONE Electronic Power Steering Rack and Pinions are equipped with brand-new, premium components to guarantee exceptional longevity and reliability. Each unit undergoes CARDONE’s Factory Test Drive, simulating extreme operating conditions while verifying all on-car communications. All rubber sealing components are replaced, and a specialized lubricant is applied to drastically increase longevity.

  • 100% replacement of rubber sealing components.
  • Application of specialized lubricant(s) for extended life.
  • Finished in protective coating to prevent corrosion and rust.
  • Each unit undergoes a factory test drive, simulating extreme operating conditions while verifying all on-car communications.
  • As a remanufactured Original Equipment part, this unit guarantees a perfect vehicle fit.
  • Product & Technical

    Are the racks the same design as my original?
    Yes, all units produced are verified to function to O.E. design specifications. Potential O.E. failure modes are evaluated and validated improvements are made.

    What do you replace on the rack?
    Rubber seals, dust boots, wear items, lubricant(s), clamps and bearings are replaced 100%. Dampers, lock washers and drive belts are replaced where applicable.

    Are there any precautions before I install?
    Yes, the steering wheel must be held in a straight-ahead position using a suitable tool to prevent rotation while the intermediate shaft is disconnected from the rack and pinion. Failure to do so can result in damage to the clock spring within the steering column. If rotation of the intermediate shaft is suspected, the clock spring must be removed and re-centered.

    Do I have to do any type of relearn after installation?
    Yes, these systems are equipped with torque angle sensors in the steering column that need to be recalibrated after installation of the replacement rack and pinion.

    Can I install one of your racks on my custom or classic vehicle?
    Not recommended; radical modifications would be needed for installation of a modern electronic steering rack and pinion on a vehicle other than the O.E .Manufacturer intended application.


    What is a core?

    A core is a used automotive part that is returned to the remanufacturer instead of being scrapped.

    Why return cores?

    Cores are literally at the “core” of the remanufacturing process, because they are the raw material used to start the remanufacturing process. That’s why remanufacturers buy cores back from customers, and they pay the most for good quality cores. If a core has too much damage in key areas, it may be unusable or require extra resources to process; therefore a reduced core payment may be awarded. This core policy explains potential deductions that may be taken from the core price if certain components are missing or damaged.

    What is remanufacturing?

    Remanufacturing is the process of taking used parts, completely disassembling and thoroughly cleaning them, replacing the worn components with original quality components, and restoring them to their original function. Every unit is 100% tested to ensure O.E. performance.

    Why “reman”?

    PRODUCTS - Reman captures used, durable goods like auto parts and puts them “back on the road” to new and sometimes better than new performance. Reman provides the opportunity for detection of common failure modes and incorporation of design improvements to prevent repeat failure.

    ECONOMY - Reman products cost consumers about 40% less than new. Reman products are one of the few “green” products that actually costs less than their “non-green” counterparts.

    ENVIRONMENTAL - Reman saves up to 86% of the energy required to build a new unit. Reman realizes Greenhouse Gas savings of up to 25 lbs. per unit over new. Reman saves up to 85% of the raw material required to produce a new unit by reusing existing products. Reman is even more sustainable than recycling, as product castings are preserved rather than melted down to raw material, saving energy and reducing emissions.

    Warranty Policy

    Installation & Tech Checks

    Core Policy

    ProTech Bulletins


    Rack and Pinion Assembly
    Life Cycle Status:
    Available to Order
    Rack and Pinion; Instruction Sheet
    6.00 lb


    pdm:Bellows Color:
    pdm:End To End Length:
    26.5 IN
    pdm:End To End Length:
    673.1 MM
    pdm:Gasket Or Seal Included:
    pdm:Grade Type:
    pdm:Inner Tie Rods Included:
    pdm:Input Shaft Type:
    pdm:Mounting Brackets Included:
    pdm:Mounting Hardware Included:
    pdm:Mounting Hole Quantity:
    pdm:Outer Tie Rods Included:
    pdm:Steering Input Shaft Diameter:
    0.634 IN
    pdm:Steering Input Shaft Diameter:
    16.1 MM
    pdm:Steering Input Shaft Spline Quantity:
    pdm:Total Turns Lock To Lock: